Interviews are a Two-Way Street

 It is time again for T-SQL Tuesday and this month is being hosted by Kendra Little.  T-SQL Tuesday is a SQL Server community blog party. Feel free to join in. This month’s topic: Interview Patterns.

When it comes to job interviews, remember it is a two-way street. You get to ask questions as well. And you should. The employer is asking questions to determine if you are a possible fit for a job. A smart candidate should use the interview to assess if and how they would fit with the company. Additionally, asking questions is an easy way to determine if the goals and values of the employer are aligned with you.

But what questions should you ask? Well, first you should begin with researching the company before your interview. Having questions in mind with specifics about the company leaves a favorable and lasting impression with the interviewer. You are demonstrating that you are willing to do your homework before you even have the job. Here is a great article for some of the things to research before your interview.

Next, think of questions that will display your value to the company. For example, what specific skills and qualities is the company looking for in a candidate? What are some of the issues currently facing the staff and how does the company see you resolving those issues. How does this position contribute to the success of the organization? Use this information to follow up with how you would bring a positive impact to the team.

Be sure to remember you are selling yourself to the employer. As many salespeople know, you should not ask questions that have a quick answer. For example, don’t ask questions that can be answered yes or no. People like to talk about themselves or to show their knowledge. Ask questions that will get the interviewer talking more about the company that will lead to longer conversations. You will tend to stand out and be more memorable to the interviewer the longer they talk to you. They are also going to remember you more favorably if in the conversation you find areas of common interest.

Finally, practice your interview. Practice answering possible questions that you might be asked, but also practice how you are going to ask your questions. Good Luck and stay relaxed.