MCT Summit Wrap Up

MCT Summit 2018 Closing Session

So we have closed down the final day of the MCT Summit. This is always one of my favorite weeks of the year. Over the weekend, I was able to help Heather Severino and Michael Corkery lead the MCT Instructional Skills course as 12 people became MCTs.

New MCTs with Program Manager, Allison Kraker

Monday, we had a great keynote from Allison Kraker and Merrick Van Dongen. The topic, in a nutshell, was, Azure Today, Azure Tomorrow, Azure Forever!

During the actual MCT Summit, I delivered four sessions, attended a few sessions, and even had time to flunk an exam. Tuesday evening, I even learned how to play some games at Casino night. My winnings were up around $10k in MCT bitcoin before betting it all on black on the roulette table.

And as one Summit closes another begins. Thursday and Friday will be the Regional Lead Summit, which I am honored to attend once again this year. I will not be able to share much information, as it is under a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement.  But, we have seen many improvements in the MCT program over the last 6 years and hopefully, we can continue fixing what isn’t working and we don’t break the things that are working. Thank you, to all who attended and I hope to see everyone next year.

Deardurff Regional Lead

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