Another course finished for my MBA. I would say this course took two months to get through as it was difficult to get focused over the holidays to spend much time on it. And honestly, I needed to take a small break from studying. But in reality, it was just the last two weeks I really pushed myself to complete it. I really only skimmed through the official text that was provided with the course. It was just too dense with accounting formulas. But, I did find an excellent book on Finance for Nonfinancial Managers that really helped me with the accounting terms. In addition, you will not pass this course without watching Dr. Sankaran Venkateswar’s C214 Comprehensive Webinar that is provided under course tips. It is about 2 hours and I must have watched it 7-8 times. That and practicing the study guide questions over and over for Bond and Stock Valuations, Discretionary Financing Needs and Weighted Average Cost of Capital, really helped in getting me through the exam. Now on to the Data-Driven Decision Making course.
WGU Financial Management – C214

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